
페이지 위치
Program​ International ​

International ​

Le Grand Café

  • Date and Time : 5.24(Fri.) 19:30-21:30 l 5.25(Sat.) - 5.26(Sun.) 16:00, 19:30
  • Place : Food zone
  • Running Time : 5 min *admission by three persons every five minutes
  • Genre : Street theater
  • Group : Cirq
  • Nationality : Belgium

Introduction of Work

This participation-based project “Le Grand Café” is the greatest café equipped with every necessary thing in the small space allowing only 3 people. Being a sort of a warning sign for today with rupture of communication and loss of humanity, it gently invites us to the human warmth and direct contact with others.

Introduction of Group

Cirq has been committed to creation of street performances for more than 20 years and focuses on more matters with social character than artistic elements. Cirq is characterized by its opposite extremes between the trick of surprising the audience while leading them to the unexpected situations and gentle approach to them with kindness.

166, Seodun-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si